OutScribe Transcription Services is able to format your transcriptions for importing into NVivo software for qualitative analysis.

To ensure Nvivo compatibility we created our own Nvivo validation tool that's integrated into our transcription platform. When uploading an audio recording to your WorkSpace you are able to select the NVivo Synchronised Time Coding option. This service attracts a 15% surcharge. The transcriptionist will then use the NVivo template and insert the time code for each speaker.

Accuracy and consistency is paramount and therefore we have developed our own bespoke document validation software to ensure compatibility with NVivo.

If you choose to use the NVivo Heading Style format there is no extra charge, although please let OutScribe administration know you require this template to be used. If you have completed transcripts that you wish to be reformatted to make them compliant with NVivo we are happy to do so for a small fee.