We are not currently expanding our contractor list for academic/general transcription but feel free to leave your details.

Fill in our Subcontractor Enquiry Form below if you have the following:

  • your own ABN
  • operating own office (transcription hardware/software)
  • global awareness and general knowledge base
  • ability to produce consistently accurate transcripts
  • good ‘ear’ for challenging audio qualities and accents
  • be an Australian resident
  • also have experience with 1:1 interviews and focus groups

To register your interest in being included on our Subcontractor list please click here: Subcontractor Enquiry. A short sample audio file will then be emailed for you to complete.

If your expertise is a match with client requirements we will be in touch about adding your name to our contractor list.

Please note: you must have an ABN.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your enquiry or the type of jobs available to contractors feel free to contact us.