Confidentially is of the utmost importance to ourselves and our clients. There are so many things that can compromise confidentiality that it would take volumes to cover them all, suffice to say good intentions don't mean much. OutScribe has invested heavily to ensure that we provide a secure service.

Contracts and policies...

We abide by our Confidentiality and Privacy Policy and insist that our transcriptionists signed a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement before commencing work. If you would like to view our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with a copy.

We never email files...

OutScribe will never email you transcribed files. This is our policy because the standard internet email system is very insecure and while there are ways to encrypt emails it is not something clients generally want to set up. However, this doesn't mean we don't use email at all. Our system will send you an automated email the instant your transcription is ready with a direct secure download link. This is the best of both worlds; fast communication and simple but safe file handling. We also have created a safe and intuitive area where we can exchange any sort of file with the client, which is aptly named your "File Exchange" area.

Web hosting ...

Since Australia is geographically remote and as an island it has made our computer connectivity to the rest of the world more expensive. Subsequently, hosting websites and online services is vastly cheaper in places like America and Europe. Again, however, using overseas hosting is to sacrifice Australian legal protection. Similar to staffing issues, it's best to ask a company if your work ever leaves Australia, either because an overseas subcontractor has downloaded a copy to work on or because they host their website overseas. Find out why it's so vital that your work is never stored on overseas or "cloud" servers or transcribed using an overseas workforce.

You can rest assured that we provide a secure and confidential service and will always handle your files with respect.

Now having understood that if your work does not have personal or legal associated risks (podcasts, public meetings etc) and are seeking cheaper rates then we recommend our sister company ScribeOut who only uses overseas contractors that have proven to deliver quality results.