Does your company work with transcriptions frequently? Transcription services make a lot of sense because audio transcription takes time and it can’t be completed by just anyone. Can it help your business grow? Absolutely! Here’s how.

1. Access to Experience

Do you have a transcription specialist among your employees? Few companies do. How about the software and the equipment needed to produce high quality transcripts? Outsourcing transcription services gives you a chance to benefit from extensive experience without having to hire a permanent staff member.

Transcription is far from an easy task – try it once and you’ll probably be left feeling quite overwhelmed. Quality is heavily dependent on the right training and some experience with audio recordings that have to be turned into accurate text.

Transcription companies offer highly specialised services and you can count on OutScribe’s experience. You gain access to the skills of experts and the necessary equipment without the capital cost. Transcription services are available on as-needed basis, meaning you’ll be paying solely for what you request.

Professional experience will boost the quality of transcripts and give you a chance to work with the best materials. Striving for perfection in just about every aspect of your business will build the right image and even help you boost productivity.

2. Let Your Staff Focus on Something Else

Unless you're working in the field of professional transcription chances are that your employees don’t really have the necessary skills to do a good job. Let them focus on what they do best while somebody else is handling professional transcribing for the company.

Amateurs in the field of transcribing audio files will need hours and hours to produce an accurate transcript. This time could be dedicated to something within the specialties of the respective employee. Getting people to complete tasks they’re unfamiliar with will result in lowered productivity (plus it could have a negative effect on employee morale).

To get people transcribing like pros you’ll have to invest in their training and the acquisition of the right software/hardware. It would be much easier to opt for transcription services while your workers deal with tasks that fall within their competences.

3. Save Money

Isn’t this an obvious one? As apparent as this benefit may be, it’s still worth mentioning. Paying for flexible services on as-needed basis can help you save a lot of money that you’ll otherwise have to invest in making professional transcripts on your own.

Many companies opt for outsourcing processes that they’re not experts in precisely because of the money saving aspect of the decision.

Outsourcing transcription services reduces the amount of money you’ll have to pay a permanent staff member who’ll be responsible for transcript creation. It just makes sense for the companies that need just a couple of transcripts per month and for the ones that are looking for highly specialised documents within the respective industry (medical or insurance report transcription, for example).

4. Avoid Costly Mistakes

A single missing word from a transcript could lead to serious trouble. This is particularly true for companies operating in the medical field. Strict regulations and laws affect the manner in which transcripts should be created and kept on record.

Outsourcing transcription can help you establish the reputation of your business as a reliable service provider. You’ll also be free from having to pay fines and deal with legal issues that stem from amateur mistakes.

Many professional transcription companies have the knowledge to create documents that adhere to all of the respective industry standards. You can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you won’t have to deal with the bureaucracy!

5. Professional Transcription Services will be Available Whenever You Need Them

Your team is spending cosy downtime at home due to the holiday season? You have an urgent task to deal with but there isn’t a single soul at the office? There’s no reason to postpone the completion of the task.

OutScribe Transcription Services will be available during holidays and the vacation season to handle tasks for you. Chances are that transcript tasks will be finalised even on the weekend… if this is a life or death situation!

The document will be finalised within the agreed upon turnaround time, which means you’ll be free from having to slow vital processes down due to holidays.

As a business owner, you know that it’s often essential to work on weekends and even on Christmas. Having a reliable partner to give you the documents you need to finalise projects is going to be of paramount importance to be perceived as a reputable service provider. This reputation is vital for you to grow your business.

Obviously you need a reputable and experienced transcription service provider in order to experience all of the mentioned benefits. Take your time to understand what transcription entails and you’ll see that OutScribe is the premier service for you.